Imima is the exclusive distribution partner of the lick block manufacturer S.I.N. HELLAS. Together we offer the most comprehensive selection of mineral licks and show that animals can absorb far more good things from lick blocks than just salt and minerals. For over 25 years, S.I.N. HELLAS has been producing a wide range of mineral licks made from pure Mediterranean salt in table salt quality and is now considered the market leader for special and innovative lick blocks. Special mineral licks have been developed which allow cattle, cows, sheep, goats, deer and horses to absorb minerals, trace elements, vitamins, herbs, essential oils and even live yeasts easily and according to their individual needs.
For the first time, we have developed a special lick block for pigs, which, thanks to its formulation with calming natural ingredients, ensures greater calmness in the animals and supports their well-being.
With the help of our lick blocks, deficiency symptoms and resulting diseases can be prevented. The animals remain vital & healthy and are more resistant to diseases.
Die langjährige Erfahrung steckt in jedem unserer Lecksteine. Die Produktion ist sowohl ISO 22000 als auch QS zertifiziert. Die Lecksteine werden in der EU entwickelt und in Griechenland nach EU-Sozial- und Umweltstandards hergestellt. Das bringt neben einem guten Gefühl auch das Lachen der griechischen Sonne zu uns und unseren Tieren.